
Old English
Modern English
nim sigel hweorfan and hwite clæfran wisan and wudurofan. Do on gode butran. Aseoh þurh clað and lacna siþþan.
take smooth cat's-ear and white clover sprouts and woodruff. Put in good butter. Strain through a cloth and heal afterwards.
Gif sio eaxl upstige: nim do þa sealfe. Do hwon, wearme, mid feþere. Him bið sona sel.
If the shoulder sticks up: take that salve. Put a little on, warm, with a feather. Soon he will be well.
Wyrc godne dolh drenc: nim agrimonian and wudurofan. Do on god ealo. Sele drincan godne scenc fulne on neaht nestig.
Make a good wound drink: take agrimony and woodruff. Put in good ale. Give a good cupful to drink after a night's fast.
Gif gebrocen ban sie on heafde and of nelle: cnua grene betonican and lege on þæt dolh gelome oþþæt þa ban of syn and þæt dolh gebatod.
If a broken bone is in the head and will not come off: pound green betony and lay [it] on that wound often until the bone is off and the wound is healed.
xxxiiii. Wiþ hundes slite: cnuwa ribban. Lege on þæt dolh and rudan wyl on butran. Lacna mid þæt dolh.
xxxiiii. For a dog bite: pound ribwort plantain. Lay [it] on that wound and boil mountain rue in butter. Heal that wound with [it].
Gif sinwe syn forcorfene: nim renwyrmas. Gecnuwa wel. Lege on oþþæt him hale synd. Gif sinwe sien gescruncene: nime æmettan mid hiora bedgeride. Wyl on wætre and beþe mid and rece þa sinwe geornlice.
If the sinews are cut: take intestinal worms. Grind well. Lay [them] on [it] until the sinews are whole. If the sinews are shrunken: take ants with their nest. Boil in water and bathe [the sinews] with [it] and smoke the sinews diligently.
xxxv. Wiþ gongewifran bite: nim henne æg. Gnid on ealu hreaw and sceapes tord niwe swa he nyte. Sele him drincan godne scenc fulne.
xxxv. For spider bite: take an egg of a hen. Grind the raw [egg] in ale and the fresh dung of a sheep so that he does not know. Give him a good cupful to drink.
xxxvi. Wiþ cancre: nim gate geallan and hunig. Meng tosomne, begea emfela. Do on þæt dolh.
xxxvi. For cancer: take the gall of a goat and honey. Mix together, both in equal parts. Put on that wound.
To þon ilcan: niwe hundes heafod bærn to ahsan. Do on þæt dolh. Gif hit
For the same [problem]: burn a fresh hound's head37 to ashes. Put [them] on that wound. If it

37. Bosworth-Toller: "hundes heafod n; snapdragon"
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